It will resize the textures before rendering. Two options are first under the render options “Simplify” enable it and set the “Texture Limit” to “1024”.

It has more advance features specially for animation, for ArchViz it has number of drawbacks compare to Blender importer. Another available importer for FBX is the “Better FBX Importer/Exporter” addon see link Better FBX.In the Blender FBX importer enable “Apply Transform” and change the “Manual Orientation” to axis_forward=‘Y’ and axis_up=‘Z’. Proper scale fix in the 3ds Max FBX exporter change the option “Include->Advanced Options->Axis Conversion” to Z-up".Their is a hack by increasing the object size by 100 and having scene unit 0.01, but is not ideal. Given all objects a scale of 0.01 instead of 1.0. With default settings once the scale is match properly all objects have the will have the correct dimension, but the scale transformation will be divide by hundred. 3ds Max defaults unit is centimeter and Blender is in meter.Make sure to enable the option “Include->Geometry->Preserve Instances” will export all instances from 3ds Max.The conversion works for production type scenes. I re-wrote this script to handle properly all V-Ray lights(IES, HDRI and others), material for V-Ray 3x,4x, and 5, textures, PBR. The importer part of the addon into Blender has a lot issues. Use MaxToBlender addon see link MaxToBlender.After can use directly FBX export or BMAX Connector link BMAX. Export directly from 3dsMax by first converting the V-Ray materials and maps to standard 3ds Max.The workflow for exporting and converting from V-Ray to Cycles includes a number of parts: It is not required and see below for other options. I used my own custom script for converting V-Ray scenes with the “MaxToBlender” addon.

The series includes a collection examples from ArchViz scenes in V-Ray(3dsMax) from Evermotion, and others as basis to convert to Cycles. In this series will be doing different types of high quality architectural scenes from V-Ray(3ds Max) into Cycles with tips and comments about the problems and solutions in converting V-Ray to Cycles.