3.8 Instances Close to the Camera Flicker or Disappear when using Occlusion Culling.3.7 Screen Space Post Processing Effects (e.g.3.6 Transperent Materials Look Inside-Out/Back-to-Front when Used on Prototypes.3.5 With Projectors in my Scene, I see Artifacts/Performance Hit.3.4 GPUI not working while targeting Android platforms.3.3 Batch Counts are Higher than without GPUI.3.2 Shadows on the Prefab Instances Look Blocky/Wrong.3.1 I See Artifacts / Instances don't Show / Show at Incorrect Locations when Using a Custom Shader.2.1 How Can I Setup a Custom Shader to Work with Crowd Animations?.1.15 Why is Oculus Quest (any version) not supported and will it be supported in the future?.1.14 When Using HDRP, I cannot See the Occlusion Culling Feature Working.1.13 How Can I use WindZones with TreeCreator trees?.1.12 How can I Change the Camera at Runtime?.1.11 How Can I Use a no-GameObject Workflow?.1.10 How Can I (Automatically) Add/Remove Prototype Instances.1.9.1 Using Variations with Amplify Shader Editor.1.9 How can I Setup my Instances to have Material Variations on them?.1.8 How can I Increase Billboard Visibility Distances Beyond Manager Limits?.1.7 What are the Build Settings for Android platforms?.1.6 How can I convert shaders manually to support GPU Instancer?.1.5 How is GPUI Different from the Unity Material GPU Instancing Option?.